THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND is the original dramatized audio Bible stories. There are 450 Bible stories (56 hours) from the OLD TESTAMENT, LIFE OF JESUS, and LIFE OF PAUL. These reenacted Bible stories come alive with professional actors' voices, music and sound effects. The audio Bible stories are like listening to a radio play/radio theater. Stories for all ages! Listeners love to hear these stories again and again! Listen and learn from Scripture while enjoying these exciting and entertaining dramatized audio Bible stories.

    When Scripture is quoted, the King James Version of the Bible is used. These are dramatized audio Bible stories, not a reading of the Bible. These are audio Bible stories; not a video of animated stories. 

    THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND is a nondenominational, nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organization.

  • What are the media formats of THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND? 

     There are 450 dramatized audio Bible stories in THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND. 

    THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND is available in a variety of media formats: on USB Flash Drive, downloads, on DVD with MP3 Audio Files, on Audio DVD and CDs. 

    USB Flash Drive – All 450 dramatized audio Bible stories of THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND (56 hours) on one USB flash drive. (3.6 GB of files)

    MP3 Audio Files on DVD - All 450 dramatized audio Bible stories of THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND (56 hours) on one data disc. Audio Bible stories; not a video of animated stories. (A DVD is a disc which can store audio and video files. A DVD doesn't always mean that the content on the disc is video. THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND's DVDs are not video files; only audio files.)

    Audio DVD - All 450 dramatized audio Bible stories of THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND (56 hours) on one disc. Audio Bible stories; not a video of animated stories . (A DVD is a disc which can store audio and video files. A DVD doesn't always mean that the content on the disc is video. THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND's DVDs are not video files; only audio files.)

    CDs - CDs are packaged in CD wallets. There are eight volumes of CDs: Volumes 1 to 8. A CD wallet is a plastic CD holder with CDs inside protective CD sleeves inside the case. Each CD wallet has a number and a name. For example: Volume 1 with 10 CDs (stories 1-60) is FREED!

    Downloads – Select a Volume to download individually. Due to the large file size of 450 audio Bible stories all of the audio files cannot be downloaded at the same time. Downloads are offered by Volume. There are eight Volumes. Select a Volume to purchase and then once it is paid for, then the Volume can be downloaded. Do this same procedure for all eight Volumes if you want to purchase all of THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND. When you select the download by Volume, you are purchasing the download, not the CDs. See below for more information.

    THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND is available in individual Volumes (downloads or CDs) or in complete sets (USB Flash Drive, MP3 Audio Files on DVD, Audio DVD):

    OLD TESTAMENT: 40 CDs - 4 CD wallets - Volumes 1-4

    LIFE OF JESUS: 20 CDs - 2 CD wallets - Volume 5 and Volume 6

    LIFE OF PAUL: 15 CDs - 2 CD wallets - Volume 7 and Volume 8 

    75 CDs - complete set of THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND - Volumes 1-8

    USB Flash Drive - complete set of THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND - 1 USB flash drive - 450 audio Bible stories/56 hours (3.6 GB of files)

    MP3 Audio Files on one data DVD (blue cover) - complete set of THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND - 1 disc - 450 audio Bible stories/56 hours

    Audio DVD (green cover) - complete set of THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND - 1 disc - 450 audio Bible stories/56 hours

  • May I hear a sample story of THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND?

     There is an episode on THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND's homepage. Also listed in each Volume is a sound sample which can be played . Make sure your speakers are on. These episode samples are slightly reduced in quality in order to make them easily listened to. 

    For a great sample of the audio Bible stories order the GIFT PACK for $21.99. The five CDs include 30 of the most popular Bible stories: Noah's Ark, David and Goliath, Queen Esther, The Good Samaritan and Zacchaeus. Each CD is about 45 minutes. Give the gift of audio Bible stories!

  • Why is THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND an eternal investment for my child, family, friends, church and me? 

    The building of your child’s strong character is accomplished by the knowledge and nurture of Scripture. These dramatized audio Bible stories with professional actors' voices, music and sound effects are an excellent way to help your child, family, church and you to learn more about the Bible and God's love. Stories about David confronting Goliath or Jesus feeding the 5,000 people come alive for people of all ages and give a better understanding of God's Word. These Bible stories help get your child, family, friends and you excited about the Bible!

    Listen to THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND during:

    Family worship 

    Home school curriculum

    Sunday School 


    Vacation Bible School 

    Bible study/personal devotion

    Work and school commutes; while exercising 

    Customers say they and their children listen to the audio Bible stories before bedtime. 

    Read the Bible story in the Bible, then listen to the same story in THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND.

    Teachers: a first and second grade teacher uses THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND in her classroom at a Christian elementary school. The teacher reads the Bible story to the class from the Bible, then the students listen to the same story THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND as they illustrate the story in a special notebook just for using when listening to the Bible stories. Then the students take turns reading the same Bible story out loud in their Bible. This teaching and learning process is fantastic! And the students' notebooks are priceless, filled with creative artwork of the Bible stories they have listened to!

  • Is THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND available for download? 

    Yes. Select a Volume to download individually. Due to the large file size of 450 audio Bible stories all of the audio files cannot be downloaded at the same time. Downloads are offered by Volume. There are eight Volumes. Select a Volume to purchase and then once it is paid for, then the Volume can be downloaded. Do this same procedure for all eight Volumes if you want to purchase all of THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND. When you select the download by Volume, you are purchasing the download, not the CDs.

  • What if I am not fully satisfied?

    Please call or email us before returning any product: 800.643.0234 (Pacific Time) or info@BibleInLivingSound.org. Yes, the products can be returned to THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND via US Postal Service with a copy of the invoice. Please note the items you are returning. Return postage is nonrefundable. After we receive your return, we will issue a refund.

  • Does THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND provide other teaching tools?

    Yes. There are four EXPLORING GOD'S BOOK workbooks that provide excellent Bible curriculum for home school curriculum, Vacation Bible School, church, Sunday School, children's church, Bible study, personal devotions, etc. The 45 pages of the Bible activity workbooks feature puzzles, true or false, fill in the blank, match a name with a place, and word games to reinforce the Bible stories. Listen to the Bible story, then use your Bible to complete the workbook activity that coincides with the story. Each question/activity lists the Bible verses needed to find answer. 

    EXPLORING GOD'S BOOK 1: OLD TESTAMENT stories 1-120 - Volumes 1 and 2 

    EXPLORING GOD'S BOOK 2: OLD TESTAMENT stories 121-240 - Volumes 3 and 4

    EXPLORING GOD'S BOOK 3: LIFE OF JESUS stories 241-360 - Volumes 5 and 6

    EXPLORING GOD'S BOOK 4: LIFE OF PAUL stories 361-450 - Volumes 7 and 8 

    THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND stories are also referenced in the teacher's manual in:

    Betty Lukens - "Through the Bible in Felt" - 800.541.9279 - www.bettylukens.com 

    Little Folk Visuals – “Bible in Felt" - 800.537.7227 - https://littlefolkvisuals.com/ 

    These visual flannel-graph sets coincide with the audio Bible stories of THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND.

    The workbooks can also be used independently from THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND because each question/activity lists the Bible verse needed to find the answer.

  • My child has listened to a CD so many times it is worn out, broken or scratched. May I receive a new CD under your warranty? 

    Yes. We will exchange the CD or cassette tape for $2.50 each plus $2.50 for shipping.

  • When may I expect my order? 

    THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND wants you to have the Bible stories as soon as possible! We try our best to ship orders as soon as possible. Orders are shipped via the US Postal Service's Library Rate. There is no shipping cost on orders in the United States. However, if a customer wants to select Priority Mail (which is faster than Library Rate) then orders are shipped via this service paid for by the customer at cost during check out. International shipping rates are also available.

  • Why is the THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND only audio and not an animated video?

    The producer of THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND felt strongly that after reading the Bible or hearing the audio Bible stories, that each person has their own idea of what Moses looked like, what it was like to see ravens feeding Elijah, what Queen Esther was experiencing as she went before the king and what it could have been like for Jesus as He carried His own cross. God works on each person's heart to understand what God is impressing on each person. To animate a Bible story into video puts an artist's idea or view of that Biblical person into another person's mind and imagination. Through the power of reading the Bible and listening to the Bible stories, God moves the listener's heart to individually understand what God wants them to learn and know. Through audio, the Bible stories come alive with professional voices, music and sound effects!

  • Who are the voices in THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND?

    Professional actors were hired by THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND to record the voices of the Biblical characters.

  • Do you provide other teaching tools for homeschool, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, church classes, personal Bible study? 

    Yes, after listening to THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND, children can continue learning about the Bible through the activities in four workbooks, EXPLORING GOD'S BOOK 1-4. The workbooks are excellent to reinforce the Bible stories. 

    Use the workbooks for home school curriculum, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, children’s church, Bible study, personal devotions, etc. Home schoolers praise this excellent resource. Bible curriculum teachers tell of success using this teaching aid to teach about Scripture and biblical principles.

    The Bible activity workbooks features Bible texts, puzzles, charts, word games, true and false, fill in the blank, and match a name with a place to reinforce the Bible stories. Listen to the Bible story, then use your Bible to complete the workbook activity that coincides with the story. Each question/activity lists the Bible verses needed to find the answer. The general ages of children that would enjoy these workbooks are grades five thru eight. If your child is not reading, try asking the questions and fill in the answers together. 

    (The workbooks can be used independently from THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND because each question/activity lists the Bible verse needed to find the answer.)

    After purchasing a workbook, the customer receives a PDF via email. Then the workbooks can be printed for use.

    EXPLORING GOD'S BOOK 1 Bible study workbook - Volumes 1 & 2 - OLD TESTAMENT 

    EXPLORING GOD'S BOOK 2 Bible study workbook - Volumes 3 & 4 - OLD TESTAMENT 

    EXPLORING GOD'S BOOK 3 Bible study workbook - Volumes 5 & 6 - LIFE OF JESUS 

    EXPLORING GOD'S BOOK 4 Bible study workbook - Volumes 7& 8 - LIFE OF PAUL 

  • Is THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND still available on cassette tapes? 

    Yes. There are 75 cassette tapes in THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND. Some cassette tapes are still available. However, due to technology and now limited cassette tape supplies, there is a limited quantity of cassette tapes and some of the cassette numbers are out of stock.  Call or email to tell us which cassette tape numbers you need to determine if the cassette tapes are still in stock and to discuss pricing. We’re not manufacturing more cassette tapes but will do what we can to help you with the available inventory. Call 800.634.0234 (Pacific Time) or email info@BibleInLivingSound.orgDescribe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links.

  • Is THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND still available on vinyl records?

    Yes. There are 75 vinyl records in THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND. We have records available but we might be out of stock of some of the record numbers. Call or email to tell us which record numbers you need to determine if the records are still in stock and to discuss pricing. We’re not manufacturing more records but will do what we canto help you with the available inventory. Call 800.634.0234 (Pacific Time) or email info@BibleInLivingSound.org

  • Is THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND in other languages besides English?

    Yes. THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND is available in: Mandarin Chinese, Thai, Japanese, Bambara and African French. Spanish, Turkish and Urdu are in production. For more information about the translations of THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND call 800.634.0234 (Pacific Time) or email info@BibleInLivingSound.org

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